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Building business development cultures that thrive.

How to build bridges between fee earners and fee burners in your firm. 

In this insightful and succinct analysis, Sally walks leaders through the primary reason law firms struggle with marketing and business development because, in most of them, whether in New York, London or Sydney there is a fundamental problem with the relationship between lawyers and marketers.

Are you a marketing and business development professional who struggles to get projects off the ground? Or are you frustrated by the slow decision-making process of your firm? Do you find that lawyers are overly risk-averse and resistant to change, which gets in the way of results?

Included in this presentation is a free e-copy of Sally’s book, co-authored with Dr Genevieve Burnett “The Marketer’s Guide to Law Firms: How to build bridges between Fee Earners and Fee Burners in your firm’

At the conclusion of Sally’s presentation, you will:

  • Gain a better understanding of the state of law firm leadership.

  • Develop deeper insights into law firms, marketers and lawyers and how the two might interact better.

  • Understand the benefits of building culture between teams and capability in team members for business development success.

Book image of the Marketer's Guide to Law Firms and Sally King

Book a Sally King Presentation Today

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